More MT-Redland

April 3rd, 2005 6:28 PM

I’ve put up a new version of MT-Redland (v0.002), including these changes:

  • The load and load_iter methods of MT::Object now support join, unique, limit, and sort options.
  • Updating an entry with a new URL now does the Right Thing, changing the entry’s resource.
  • Topics of an entry are now handled with a MT plugin, using hooks into the MT CMS without patching any of MT’s files.
  • Added an RDF Export module for use by a RSS 1.0 template tag plugin.

In addition to the references and reviews plugins, this package contains plugins for several types of entry topics: webpages (foaf:Document by URL), books (book:Book by ISBN), images (foaf:Image by URL), and events (cyc:Event by homepage).

Next steps include:

  • filling in code for a template tag to export RSS 1.0 directly from the model. A stub plugin file already exists for this. It’s just a matter of hooking it up to the RDF Export module.
  • updating the reviews plugin to use the entry topic as subject, and adding CMS UI for the review rating.