Coming Clean

April 24th, 2003 8:28 AM

I’m sorry about what happened in Berlin. I’ve never forgiven myself for it, and I’m not sure I’ve ever properly appologized to you. So I’m sorry.

I’m sorry things didn’t work out. I never meant for things to turn out so badly, but clearly I messed that up something awful. Truly, my deepest appologies.

I’m immensely sorry for saying she hated you. Even if it was true, which I now doubt was the case, I was a complete ass for saying so. I’m sorry.

How is it you’re always so happy? You are always so amazingly inviting in what you say and do, and I’m never sure if I should read into it. Spending time with you (brief though it might have been) would always brighten the day.

I’m sorry. You said you wanted to keep in touch, and even now, I know I likely won’t, which saddens me. Despite having little in common, I value your friendship, and still hope we might stay in contact.

I’m sorry for all the shit I put you through. I hope we can go back to being friends.

I’m sorry for running off like that. To this day it remains one of my biggest mistakes. I hope it didn’t ruin your night.

You took me by surprise, and when I said, “Uhhhhh…” I ought to have just done it. Ah well.

I really wish I had had the opportunity to know you better. You seem like such an amazing person, I regret having to move on.

I wish you a happier future than I’ve seen this past year turn out to be. I sometimes think I might be in a position to help, but that might just be wishful thinking.

Leslie Harpold said it better than I ever could.

And now, I am taking a break from this weblog as I embark on travels and try to figure out where my life has been and where it is heading.

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