kasei.us is the personal website of Gregory Todd Williams. Please consider using my pgp key when sending me email. My FOAF file is available.
I am a member of the perl-rdf community, and author of many semantic-web Perl modules available on CPAN, including Attean, a complete RDF and SPARQL 1.1 implementation based on traits-based API design. I was a member of the SPARQL (1.1) Working Group during the standardization of SPARQL 1.1, was the editor of the SPARQL 1.1 Service Description and Protocol documents, and RDF::Query (now deprecated in favor of Attean) was among the first fully-conformant implementations of SPARQL 1.1.
I graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in March, 2013 with a Ph.D in Computer Science. My research pursued efficient query federation in Semantic Web systems, with a particular focus on a flexible query answering system able to discover new data sources and incorporate them into the query plan mid-execution.
Various personal accounts:
- github
- cpan
- flickr
- pinboard
- tripit
- flickr favorites
- last.fm
- amazon wishlist

The content on this site, minus user comments and where noted otherwise, is copyright by Gregory Todd Williams. This site is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License.