Being single

May 3rd, 2004 4:07 PM

… Another link dump that I really want to go here instead of relegate to my links page. Dunstan’s recent move to the US spurred “Being single”:

You put the phone down. Your hands shake a wee bit, you’re slightly short of breath. You mentally curse women for their evil powers over your respiratory system. Then you decide that isn’t enough, and you openly curse them.

I was recently re-reading through my discussion with obigabu, The Raw Uncut, and realized how little of that sort of thing had made it from my life onto my weblog recently. And part of that is because I don’t want to jinx anything, and because I don’t want to presume, and because I am a total failure at trying to present a unified self on this site with disregard to the readership. And because I seem to systematically find all the seconds during which I might have posted, and find other ways to spend that time.

But I hope that I’ve spent those seconds in a way that I’ll be able to look back on and consider worthwhile. Like the past weekend, when more people than I’ve ever known to frequent the woods showed up in the woods. There were three simultaneous fires and nearly sixty people as best I can figure. Followed quickly by drinking, and talking, and movie watching, and a late night of complications.

I suppose what I mean is that I miss the conversations, and I miss dodging the questions because they make me think. I’ll need to work on that.

Next: The End
Previous: Welcome


i think you have to unify your self out there in the real world first. you seem too conscious of your audience and either have to block it fourth-wall theater style or accept and divulge. you’re pretty damned reticent when you do or dont intend to be. it’s almost surprising how many people tell me that they think i know you better than any one on campus. you don’t volunteer information readily as it is, unless a provoking question of the right magnitude (read: comfortable) comes up. your blog has no one provoking and so you sorta have to do it.

i donno. i think you’ve got a tall order that you can’t really fill unless you do so consciously, often. like always. but if you have any ‘boy’ qualities, not talking a lot is one of them and might be a hard one to get over.

tho i still appreciate the post. i didnt anticipate any hand-tipping on this…tip.

Posted by: shuli on May 4th, 2004 2:48 AM

Now that the “Being Single” link works (i swear it didn’t the first time I tried to click) I wanna say that what that guy says, all the angst and fear and giddiness and need of moral support..

me too, and it’s not fair cause I’m a girl and not supposed to have to go through that stuff! It’s supposed to be a boy problem for christssake!

Posted by: sara on May 6th, 2004 9:50 AM

Greg! So listen, I have some things to say that don’t really apply to your blog at all:

  1. How are you?

  2. I like, do Perl now…for a job.

  3. Where are you?

  4. There is a girl who lives here (at the Cambridge Zen Center) who is from LA. I tell her that she has the same LA-vibe that Greg (you) has. Then, despite her annoyance, I proceed to make numerous comparisons between you and her whenever they come up, regardless of accuracy (“Is that a banana you’re eating? Greg likes bananas, too. Creepy.”).

  5. What are you doing?

Posted by: Nick on May 7th, 2004 2:32 PM