
September 10th, 2003 1:33 AM

In a rational way, I’ve always understood and agreed with the oft-repeated idea that as a programmer, it’s really quite difficult (almost impossible) to step back from what I know of technical issues and approach a UI problem from the view of the (uninformed) user. Yet there’s always been that non-rational part of me that wants to believe that I could at least approximate that mind-set.

Today, however, I listened to my brother complain about the web-based interface to his cell phone account information. He couldn’t understand why he wasn’t allowed to use ‘williams’ as a user name. His reasoning went something like this: ‘williams’ is taken? But it’s asking for both a user name and a password. Why can’t I use ‘williams’ and be unique based on both my user name and password?

Apparently this, combined with several other issues with the cell company (debatably) not placing the interests of the user first led him to the decision to change cell providers. It might be said that requiring a unique user name is actually in the interest of the user, but if the user doesn’t understand the reasoning, it’s all rather irrelevant, isn’t it?

Despite knowing the technical reasons for implementing an authentication with unique user names, I’d be hard pressed to come up with a reasonable justification for it except for the security issue. However, if the user will either choose less security and a user name that is personally relevant (and non-unique) or chosing someone else to do business with, maybe websites (and others) should start listening.

Or maybe not. Something to think about at least.

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