July 17th, 2004 5:42 AM

I’m not quite sure what to make of the chronological progression of this:

MegaTokyo, 19th April 2004: Mail From Home:

Dude, we have to stick these RFID tags somewhere on our bodies. Somehow, they are supposed to protect us from evil.

CNetAsia, 12th July 2004: Japan: Schoolkids to be tagged with RFID chips:

The chips will be put onto kids’ schoolbags, name tags or clothing in one Wakayama prefecture school.

Guardian Unlimited, 14th July 2004: Put a chip in your arm to outfox kidnappers:

Mexico’s attorney general and other senior staff have had computer chips implanted in their arms to serve both as an identity device and a tracking mechanism should they be kidnapped.


Clearly it’s the mark of the beast. They’re probably giving them the option of forehead or right hand. DAMN THESE BASTARDS BRINGING ON THE APOCALYPSE!

Run for your life!! AHHHHHHH!

Also it could just be a way to track buying. Like the grocery store buyers card, but also ensuring consumer loyalty with a badge of pride. shows tiny chip scar See, from now on I shall always shop at Wegman’s grocery and if I don’t they send me a tiny electrical shop to correct my behavior.

Posted by: Sara on July 17th, 2004 10:52 AM