
November 30th, 2003 4:34 PM

Fathers Office: None of us really like turkey, so we're out having tacos.

It’s been a quiet week. Everyone seems to have gone offline for the Thanksgiving holiday; I can count the number of emails I’ve recieved since Tuesday on one hand, and the number of people online to chat with has only returned to double digits today.

Thanksgiving was so-so. The food was decent (except for the disturbingly convincing soy-based “turkey” immitation — that was really quite scary). The company was good with my parents, Kim and Matt, Matt’s parents, the Putnams, and I all here. But after the hours-long meal, there was little to do and little to say. Everyone trailed off and away and it was only at a quarter to midnight that Gary called and we ended up on the Sunset strip for a couple of hours.

Friday saw another year of the (apparently) traditional night at O’Brien’s. I was joined by Lauren and her cousin, Gary and two of his friends from Berkeley, Liz Korb, and Richard and his Samo posse. Despite awful service, we had a good time. Toasts were made, drinks were drunk, and a time was had. It was the most people I’ve hung out with at one time in LA in a long time.

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