March 2nd, 2003 11:13 AM

Screenshot showing and mutt both using an IMAP-RSS bridgeOk. finally agreed to work. And mutt still works. (No idea if Eudora or anything else will like it.) You can subscribe to feeds by creating a folder at the root level with the feed URL (tested on dooce, and surfin’ safari).

It doesn’t do well with feeds that are out-of-order chronologically, or feeds in which the posts either don’t have a time stamp, or where the time stamps fall within the same second (new rfcs). It’s fragile, but it works with a number of weblogs and in (at least) two MUAs.

It will authenticate with username/password which must be set up in a database file beforehand by running the script. Share and enjoy: Net-IMAP-Server-0.01.tar.gz.

And now bed…