
December 1st, 2002 7:43 PM

Game Girl Advance is back at it. This time, it’s in the form of a wonderful comparison between Halo and Marathon, asking, Halo: Original Game, or Sequel?.

The article brings back a lot of good memories of all-night Marathon netgames back at Cnation. This was especially nastolgic:

“Worth noting is a sort of an unexplainable ‘zen’ similarity between Marathon and Halo multiplayer: the speed at which you run. Considerably slower than any other FPS on the market, both games seem to move at a sim-like slow pace (compared to games like Quake and Unreal).”

Perhaps the best games of Marathon I ever experienced were ones using Adam’s amazing physics set for Marathon Infinity which sped the running speed up by many times, and used modfied, fully automatic pistols. Running around at full speed with dual pistols in that game was like nothing else!

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The Mission:

Exobiologists seek to understand how life originated on Earth by studying chemical and physical conditions elsewhere in our solar system and our galaxy. The origin of life on Earth is not well understood but was evidently based on chemical evolution from simple compounds present on the newly formed planet. To create a system of replicating organic chemicals just add water. George W. Bush knows these things and is interested in further knowledge so no child will be left behind. On planetary conquest: It’s hard to determine whether he is a feckless visionary or the next prophet. Now the National Astrophysical Sciences Association has thrown its full backing for the Bush Manned Mars Mission. See the visonary in native habitat

Mickey O. Ganesh

Posted by: Mickey Ganesh on January 23rd, 2004 3:35 PM