
October 21st, 2002 9:34 PM gets it right on with this one. Five Steps to a Better Me:

“You know the sort of comatose smile that child beauty pageant contestants wear? The sort of painful smile accompanied by glazed eyes and quivering lips? That’s exactly what my forced smile looks like. The problem with my forced smile (other than that anguished look) is that I’ll often forget I’m attempting to smile and mouth will frown, but my teeth will still be visible. So, I won’t look happy, content or friendly. Instead, I’ll look like a serial killer with lock jaw.

“Whoever said it takes more muscles to frown than smile was a liar.”

That sounds so familir. People are always accusing me of frowning, but I’m not, I swear! I’m either forcing a smile, or sitting contentedly.

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