
June 6th, 2002 6:15 AM

I was thinking. I’ve got a laptop, 802.11b, and a car, so wouldn’t it be fun to go war-driving around LA?

But THEN I thought, “that’s dumb.” I bet that enormous Yagi array sticking out of this house (towering several stories) can do 2.4GHz. I’ll need to find out more information (isn’t this why I got that amateur radio liscence to begin with?), but I’d like to start a new trend - War-lounging.

That’s right, I want to war-drive, but without the car, and from the comfort of my own home, simply by aiming an enormous Yagi in different directions (I’ve got line of sight to downtown Los Angeles, West Los Angeles, and Santa Monica; Hollywood and Beverley Hills might work, but I wouldn’t count on it). So you heard it here first (let’s all remember who coined the term :)