ISWC 2011
The 10th International Semantic Web Conference took place last week in Bonn, Germany, and it was a great event.
On Tuesday, I presented my work (done with Jesse Weaver) on HTTP caching of SPARQL query results. The work seemed to be well received, and I had some good discussions about it after the presentation.
There were presentations on two interesting projects for benchmarking SPARQL systems. The DBpedia SPARQL Benchmark (which won the best research paper award) is a new SPARQL benchmark based on real-world data and queries from the DBPedia endpoint. FedBench, meanwhile, attempts to benchmark federated SPARQL query evaluation using a set of both real and synthetic datasets (including a subset of the LOD cloud and SP2B). With the relatively impoverished state of existing SPARQL benchmarks, I’m thrilled to see new work going on in this area.
I spent quite a bit of time with people from Talis, DFKI, and DERI, and only wish there had been more time for the great conversations that took place at and after the conference. I’ve posted some photos from ISWC on Flickr.