
September 13th, 2008 9:13 PM

I don’t understand how anyone can be considering voting for McCain and Palin at this point. How can you support someone who’s campaign claims “this election is not about issues”? This is an election for the President of the United States, not a popularity contest. How could you possibly consider voting for someone who is essentially blowing off the very issues that will affect your life, and the lives of everyone on the planet?

I’m simply astonished by this “drill, baby, drill” nonsense. It is ridiculous. Drilling here and drilling now won’t mean paying less now (or even much in the future). We simply have to find a way to stop using so much of it.

I’m simply astonished at the amount of disinformation that seems to be coming from the Republican campaign. I suppose it shouldn’t be that surprising from a campaign that doesn’t have it’s own issues to promote. But the amount of fearmongering about Obama’s tax plan raising your taxes is absurd. The reality of his plan raising your taxes only if you make more than $600,000 a year seems to be irrelevant. Similarly irrelevant seems to be the fact that the 60% of taxpayers at the bottom end of the income scale would see their taxes lowered by at least three times more by Obama’s plan than McCain’s. McCain’s plan would drop your taxes no more than 0.7% if you make up to $66,000 (compared to Obama’s 2.4%). In fact, Obama wouldn’t raise taxes on the bottom 98.9% of taxpayers.

The Washington Post visually presents the tax plans and the differences are striking. Alternatively, there’s ObamaTaxCut.com to see a simple presentation of how your taxes will change.

There’s the “rhetorical” book banning issue, the outrageous charging of rape victims in Wasilla, and the outright lies about the Bridge to Nowhere.

I’m trying really hard to see value in the Republican ticket, but I’m just not getting it. I haven’t seen a single positive ad from the McCain campaign. Never an ad about issues (not surprisingly), and never a positive ad about the candidates. If you’re thinking of voting for McCain, may I ask why? Do you agree with the issues McCain won’t talk about (or are the issues irrelevant)? Are you wealthy and the tax break overwhelms all other issues? Are you swayed by Palin because of (or in spite of) her pro-life, anti-gay policies and her demonstrably blatant lying, and pandering? What am I not seeing? Is it really only about “character”?