New York

June 22nd, 2008 11:01 PM

Just got back from New York City where I spent two days at the Linked Data Planet conference, and then three days hanging out with Tom. The conference was good, but a bit more business oriented than I was hoping for. Maybe more on that later.

New York City

A few notable things recently:

  • For the first time ever, I broke 500 miles on a tank of gas in my car, going 505 miles at 52.7 miles per gallon mostly on the drive to and from the city.
  • On the drive down on Thursday, I pulled to the side of the road at exactly 1pm to try to make reservations for the French Laundry. Kat and I have reservations for August 19th. Expect a post about that in two months.
  • I heard more talk of federated SPARQL, and how much we need it, at Linked Data Planet than I have at all the semantic web conferences and on all the semantic web mailing lists combined. Seems I need to really get moving on the work I’m doing (and have done) and start releasing and writing.


I just got this for my Prius. If you haven’t done it, you should try it. I’m still trying to reap the benefits, but the battery drains a lot quicker and takes longer to recharge. Since your Prius is more recent, you may have a better battery.

Posted by: useEvil on July 29th, 2008 1:51 PM