
April 3rd, 2008 1:58 PM

After years of using the wonderful SpamSieve, I turned server-side spam filtering back on one year ago. The amount of spam had grown so large that even though SpamSieve was catching ~99.8% of it, the time to download and filter it all on my laptop had become impractical (especially since I was often getting online through GPRS via my phone).

I keep the filtering threshold pretty high on the server-side and still rely on SpamSieve to sort out the more questionable stuff, but I thought it would be interesting to see just how much spam has been caught on the server side in the last year. Just loading the spam folder on the server side (in mutt) took several minutes, but I was eventually able to load it all. In total, SpamAssassin has caught 126,460 spam messages, for an average of just over 346 messages per day.

The tools have gotten good enough that spam doesn’t really bother me too much these days, but I’ve got to ask: who are the suckers still responding to the spam that makes it worthwhile to continue sending them? Seriously!

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