Caffeine and Corn Syrup

September 20th, 2007 9:30 AM
Four years ago, I talked about giving up Dr. Pepper. Well, that didn’t really work out at the time, nor on the numerous occasions I’ve tried since. But I’m trying again, this time coming at it from the angle of dramatically reducing my consumption of corn syrup. It’s been two weeks since I had any soda (including diet drinks which lack corn syrup but have equally troubling artificial sweeteners) or products containing corn syrup. I’m feeling good about this (despite missing the occasional Dr. Pepper), but realizing just how few options there are in this country for flavored drinks without corn syrup. Four years ago, I talked about giving up Dr. Pepper. Well, that didn’t really work out at the time, nor on the numerous occasions I’ve tried since. But I’m trying again, this time coming at it from the angle of dramatically reducing my consumption of corn syrup. It’s been two weeks since I had any soda (including diet drinks which lack corn syrup but have equally troubling artificial sweeteners) or products containing corn syrup. I’m feeling good about this (despite missing the occasional Dr. Pepper), but realizing just how few options there are in this country for flavored drinks without corn syrup.
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there’s always WATER

well, for the time being, anyway get it while you can


i gave up soda 1/1/07 and have made it all this time it gets easier as time goes on because your ‘record’ is longer you don’t want to break it. good luck w/ no sodas some people need to see the ‘doctor’ daily ha!

Posted by: robin on October 23rd, 2007 12:46 AM