MT-Redand Paper

May 3rd, 2005 3:36 AM


I am pleased to inform you that your paper entitled MT-Redland: An RDF Storage Backend for Movable Type has been accepted to the Scripting for Semantic Web Workshop held at ESWC2005, May 30, 2005, Heraklion, Greece.

Now I just need to figure out how to satisfy the reviewer requests (“A little more high-level description would be helpful”) while keeping to the ten-page limit that I’m just a few words away from at this point. I think I’ve already squeezed as much space as I can out of the existing content and code without removing anything, so some of it might need to get axed to make room for the changes.

And it’s due on Friday. Yikes.


That’s pretty cool. It’s not like Frank Sinatra cool, but it’s dorky accomplishment that works for you. Kind of like how I’m so good at talking with people. Yeah, whatever, this is the part where I make you smile.

“Shake, he said poop!”

Posted by: Benjamin on May 5th, 2005 10:45 PM


Posted by: gary on May 5th, 2005 11:33 PM