Driving in LA

January 4th, 2005 1:58 AM

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m going to miss driving in LA. I still hate the driving in LA part, but for the past two weeks I’ve been driving a brand new Toyota Prius, and it’s an amazing thing.

Some highlights:

  • The wireless key that stays in your pocket is sweet: the door unlocks as you reach for the handle.
  • The Bluetooth integration is wonderful. I keep my phone in my pocket, and when I turn the car on, the car’s stereo system takes over the role of handsfree headset. I can even make outgoing calls using the in-dash touch screen. I just wish that it could use my phone’s address book instead of maintaining it’s own.
  • The visual feedback on fuel efficiency and engine status had a positive effect on my driving from the very first minute. It’s incredible how natural it feels to keep glancing over to seek visual reassurance that the way you’re driving is actually saving gas.
  • I was surprised at how much pick-up this car had when you needed it to go. This absolutely clashed with my expectations (which were based on early reports from things like the Honda Insight).

Future possibilities:

  • The car should know who’s driving (or at least who’s in the car) based on the bluetooth profile, and be able to switch radio presets accordingly.
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I’m really really jealous. The only thing I get to use my bluetooth for is sending pictures from my phone to my computer.

Also I sent my Address Book info to my phone once.. but it didn’t really make sense with my normal contact list.


Posted by: quasarsglow on January 4th, 2005 11:25 PM