July 28th, 2003 11:52 PM

Hmmm… I need to hack at the search feature of my MT install so that you can get back search results in RSS (auto-discovered from the HTML search page, I guess). Is this a feature that’s available on other blogs? Because I want it for scripting purposes.

Oh, and it seems that MT’s search will search markup as well as content, which seems somewhat counter-intuitive (Like finding “perl” in a URL). Maybe this deserves some more thought, but I think I want that changed. Comments?

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Sometimes markup has useful content. The title attribute of <a> or <acronym>, for example. I’m sure there’s other examples. OTOH, you might not want to search something like HTML comments because it wouldn’t be apparent why the page was returned for a certain search without looking at the source of that page.

Posted by: gary on July 29th, 2003 10:52 PM