The Grade

April 23rd, 2003 5:04 AM

This is bothersome. Invisible Adjunct, Grading Hell:

But there’s a certain type of B paper that always gives me trouble. Not the B paper that could have been an A if only the student had done X, Y or Z, but the B paper that will never be anything but a B. There’s nothing really wrong with it, there’s just nothing about it that makes it more than good enough.

Reading this doesn’t make me hate any less that one class where it was clear that I was in the minority who were writing these B papers, it just makes me annoyed because those of us writing the papers would consistently be doing above average work in all similar classes while the A paper writers would be doing consistently below average work. So it seemed that that class was an exception. But looking back on my undergrad work and reading this post, I can now better appreciate this view point.

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