
April 23rd, 2003 8:16 AM

Here I am, packing once again. It occurs to me that it’s reassuring to be able to pack everything I’ll have for four months into a single backpack — The comfort of simplification.

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Previous: The Grade


I completely agree. I feel the same way when I am backpacking. I have my life in a backpack, everything from food, to means of acquiring water, clothing, survival gear, shelter, etc… Even though the basic necessities suddenly become not so basic, there is a deep satisfaction in knowing you’re life revolves around actively pursuing them and little else. In many ways, as I’ve stated before, simplicity = happiness.

Posted by: Wonko on April 23rd, 2003 10:45 AM

And that’s where we differ. I don’t equate simplicity and happiness. They may have some sort of causal connection, but it doesn’t seem to be exclusive.

Posted by: kasei on April 23rd, 2003 7:36 PM

I may have been too strong in my language, especially my gratuitous use of math symbols to equate meaning. I think happiness is far more complex a beast than just simplicity. Maybe its less about simplicity than the illination of complexity derived from meaningless things. For example, financial complexity, there is no end to my nightmare. Everyone has financial complexity, but in the larger scheme of things, its pointless. There is very little many of us can do about it though. This type of complexity definitely eats at happiness. On the other hand, one can have complexity in a very fullfilling job, say one helping others, that can definitely add to ones contentedness. So, I’m retracting my earlier over generalized statement and replacing it with a new one. Redefining simplcity as having your life in control such that the things you do are meaningfull, free from most non-furthering, meaningless activities. That type of simplicty definitely brings happiness.

Posted by: Wonko on April 23rd, 2003 8:51 PM