
January 28th, 2003 1:13 AM

Matt threw the next few months (and perhaps longer) into chaos today by pointing me at a web dev and “new media” job at the Museum of Science which I may have a better than average chance of getting (for reasons that will be left unspoken). So I’ll be sending in an application just in case. Besides, the French and Japanese classes I was going to sign up for are now, unfortunately, filled up. If I do decide to stay here for a spell (I’m not sure I can bring myself to stay in Boston permanently) I may have a place to live already set up thanks to Anna and Tony (whom I still have to contact! I’ve been meaning to for two weeks, but the only contact information I had was on my laptop). Only time will tell at this point.

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does this mean we don’t get to watch my so called life? :)

Posted by: gary on January 29th, 2003 4:39 AM