
January 23rd, 2003 7:40 PM

My Ti is broken (on its way to be fixed actually) and I mostly don’t have access to a computer off-hours these days. Therefore updates will be irregular and slow in coming. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon.

In the Perl world, I witnessed a simply amazing talk by Damian Conway on Tuesday night at the Boston Perl Mongers meeting. Damian presented Life, The Universe, and Everything, a collision of his modules: Quantum::Superpositions, Lingua::Romana::Perligata, DFA::Cellular (which Damian’s site says is released, but CPAN is playing dumb about), and Lingua::tlhInganHol::yIghun (which Damian’s site lists, but isn’t on CPAN). As always, it was a blast. The neatest thing I got out of the talk was the realization that somebody bothered to implement a Turing Machine in Life. That is unbelievably cool in a mind-blowing sort of way.