Tron on Ecstacy

November 5th, 2002 5:08 PM

Gamers set for sensory overload”:

” A new video game inspired by the abstract artist Kandinsky aims to overload the senses with its psychedelic visuals and pulsating dance beats.

“Rez for the Playstation 2 seeks to create a sense of synaesthesia, literally a crossing of the senses, so that you can ‘see’ sounds or ‘taste’ colours.”

Now for the good stuff. game girl advance gives the lowdown on the trance vibrator that comes with:

” We drew the curtains and darkened the room. Justin played for hours. Dreamily I would once in a while say things like, ‘Could you do the 2nd Area again? That’s my favorite.’

“After many of my langorous gasps and moans, we stopped playing, and tried to analyze the gameplay experience. ‘I don’t know exactly what the game designers intended with that trance vibrator thing - but it had to be this, right?’

“‘It’s a total stoner game,’ said Justin.

“‘But don’t you think this trance vibrator extension is so your girlfriend can get off while you’re playing the game? Or so a girl gamer can get off while she’s playing the game?’

“‘It was a bit odd,’ said Justin, ‘my fingers were working the controls, but they were also kind of working you.’”

Video games will never be the same ;)


Hey! im a girl gamer and i love rez. i own the trance vibrator! If you wanna see some pics of me with the thing email me. or if you want a free trance vibrator or order one, email me, i work at a shop so i can sell them too you. its $10 plus $5 postage and handling anywhere in america. Even email me if your interested. i rate it 10/10!!!

Posted by: Don Danie on December 8th, 2002 9:56 AM

hey yeah i’d like to see the pics of you and the rez if it would not be a problem thanx.

Posted by: MIKE on March 31st, 2004 9:52 PM

wait, isnt that soliciting? shouldn’t you be advertising elsewhere? greg, you need a “no solicitors” sign somewhere…or at least dont title you’re post “tron on ecstacy” you realize you’re the first and only entry when you google “tron” and “ecstacy”…

Posted by: shuli on April 1st, 2004 9:17 AM