Maxim and Substance

June 7th, 2002 5:54 AM
«I would like to believe there is a second school of thought on selling magazinesand just hear me out on thisthat says you fill a publication with content that’s challenging, that people might want to read, and if it connects with your audience, they’ll buy the magazine of their own volition, without having to be tricked into it. I would also like to believe that someday, someone is going to publish an intelligent men’s magazine that speaks to today’s generation of twenty- and thirtysomethings without pandering to them or making excessive use of the word “dude.”

Sadly, I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon.»
—”Lad No More: My Escape from Maxim

This is a great article by a former editor for Maxim. He makes good points, and has nothing but criticism for Maxim, and its fellow “lad magazines.”

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