Tasty Spectrum News

May 25th, 2002 9:17 PM
«What if the scarcity [of the airwaves] turns out to be an artifact of history and outmoded technology? … If scarcity can be overcome, the implications are both exciting and disruptive — a cornucopia of communications that foreshadows woes for some of our biggest telecommunications companies. Late last month, David P. Reed gave a provocative talk to the Federal Communications Commission’s Technological Advisory Council. He told the group of experts, in effect, that the FCC’s fundamental mission is flawed, maybe obsolete.»
—”Imagine: world with unlimited airwaves

I want 802.11 and Bluetooth in everything with a power button, and everywhere I go. I think useEvil put it best: “I want a bluetooth coffee maker.” I’m still trying to figure out whether he wanted that so he could brew a pot with his phone, get an email when the pot was ready, or both.